A Wave in the Heart: Poetic Connection
A six-week course exploring the Self through creativity
We hope to bring you A Wave in the Heart: Poetic Connection again in late Spring. To keep updated with course information, please subscribe below. I look forward in sharing a creative adventure with you.

Thursdays 11am-12:30pm
28th January to 4th March
Online via Zoom
In these times of uncertainty and transformation, we can draw on meditation, contemplation and poetic expression, as our ancestors have for thousands of years. Accessing the inner realms, we find comfort, solace and new possibilities. Taking time for ourselves in this way, to nurture our creative spirit and discover our inner voice, can be a great blessing for all those around us and for ourselves.
A Wave in the Heart: Poetic Connection is a six-week shared adventure where we will be:
* Deepening Self awareness through poetry & meditation
* Nurturing a culture of mutual support
* Embracing the fullness of our experience
* Developing confidence and creativity
* Listening from the Heart
Each session will include space for you to explore writing, to share and to listen, to find your way of letting words flow directly from the stillness of the heart.
All welcome! No previous experience of either poetry or meditation expected. This could be a great opportunity to explore something new, or to approach your writing or meditation in a new way. We actively embrace diversity in all forms.
The course itself will run from 28th January to 4th March, 11am-12:30pm, online via Zoom. This is an intimate experience open to a maximum of 12 students for live online classes (no recordings).
Places are £99 per person or £175 for two. If money is an issue, please get in touch. We may be able to help. For bookings and inquiries, please email amara.g.parker@gmail.com We have a gentle intention to run an evening version of this course later in the year, so please do get in touch if our current time slot doesn't suit you.
10% of all proceeds go to support the work of Choose Love/Help Refugees who are providing life saving services to those most in need.
Course Facilitators

Amara George Parker
Amara George Parker is a London-based writer, editor and hedgewitch. They previously trained as a yoga teacher and specialised in sessions for those with disabilities. Their short stories appear in Mslexia, Thirty West Publishing House's Elevator Stories, Tales from the Moonlit Path, Mooky Chick, and Clover & White. Their poetry has been published in literary magazines including Sufi Journal, Aeva, Daily Drunk, Sage Cigarettes, Prismatica and Earth Pathways, and they are a regular content contributor to A Writer in Morocco, where they write about the creative process. Their essay, 'Wheelchairs and Wyverns' has been published by Human/Kind Press in their anthology Musing the Margins.

Vishwam Heckert
Vishwam Heckert is a writer, poet, yoga teacher trainer and heart meditation guide. Vishwam’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Amethyst Review, Mooky Chick and Soul Lit and his first collection, Medicine Poems, is coming soon. Before poetry called to him, Vishwam published numerous scholarly and activist essays on the connections between intimacy and personal/social transformation.

"As a dyslexic I was nervous about where to start but with a relaxed supportive atmosphere my writing soon started flowing and became surprisingly productive. Everyone on the zoom chat seemed to be enjoying themselves and very encouraging of each other. The mindfulness meditation was a perfect accompaniment to clear and focus the mind ready for the creativity to flow. I now feel inspired and confident to get pen to paper and have a go at exploring my new found interest of mindfully writing. Thank you."