Twisted Roots
Oh, if the trees could lick their lips…”
Telling the story of Laela, a young girl haunted by dreams of a sinister skeletal tree, this richly rewarding novel explores the complex motivations of family and the responsibility that comes with growing up. Alongside the dark and gripping narrative, Twisted Roots also weaves important messages about disability and mental health.
"Twisted Roots is sinister and atmospheric... As a poet, it is no surprise that A.G. Parker’s writing style is wonderfully lyrical."
"This is a dark and beautifully written story that speaks to everyone."
"Twisted Roots is an intriguing story of determination and courage."
"The slow peeling back of the layers kept my anticipation levels high and my attention gripped throughout the book."
Short Fiction

S. L. Huang
"The post-apocalyptic future of ‘Rafterland’ is stunning in the richness of its detail, some climate calamity of the past having transformed London into a twisted drowned maze of its former self. The prose in this story melted like butter against my brain... I was also happy to read a narrative with a nonbinary protagonist.”
True Skin
"A story of finding gender affirmation in the midst of a crisis feels right for the current state of the world rn."
Published in Prismatica Magazine
Winter 2023

“Yanni" highlights systemic issues within our society and culture. While it is set within the pandemic, many of the class-based barriers and challenges the main character faces are universal and relevant issues outside of the further-exacerbating situation of the pandemic.
Published in Ogma Magazine
Issue 7 'Culture'.
Read here for free.